Week Five: Women Make Film Episode 5

Tuesday, September 29
Night Five: Adult/Child, Economy and Editing
Two Airings on TCM: 8:00 PM and 11:15 PM
Women Make Film: A New Road Movie Through Cinema Episode 5 begins with the heart of human discovery, examining one of the most fundamental relationships – that between adult and child – in chapter 12. This bond, visible and invisible, threats to it real or imagined, makes for powerful storytelling. Chapter 13 looks at economy and reliance on fragments, whether visually or cutting between scenes, to tell a story. Chapter 14 focuses on editing as the engine of a film. What to leave out, what to connect, how to move through time – all done through editing – to tell the story in a film.
Complementary Film Schedule
Airing on TCM, times given in Eastern Time
9:15 PM – Middle of Nowhere (2012) directed by Ava DuVernay
12:30 AM – Beau Travail (1999) directed by Claire Denis
2:15 AM – Adoption (1975) directed by Márta Mészáros
4:00 AM – We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011) directed by Lynne Ramsay
6:00 AM – Wasp (2003) directed by Andrea Arnold
6:30 AM – XXY (2007) directed by Lucia Puenzo
8:15 AM – My American Cousin (1985) directed by Sandy Wilson
10:00 AM – Antonia’s Line (1995) directed by Marleen Gorris
Academy Assignment
For individual pondering and sharing via the site comments. Watch one of this week’s films through the lens of adult/child, economy or editing. Questions to consider:
- What adult/child relationship stands out as important to the story?
- How was economy – things left out or fragments – used to move the story?
- How did editing connect or disconnect parts of the story?
- Bonus: How did the Women Make Film adult/child, economy or editing chapter material influence how you watched this film?
Classic Couple perspectives will be shared before next week’s assignment, so tell us what you watch and check back in.