Jun 03

Filmmaker 5 with Nick Russell and Nick Musgrove: Favourites

Director Nick Russell and Emmy nominee Nick Musgrove’s Favourites tells the tale of two parents faced with an impossible decision when their family camping trip turns dire. The dark comedy short stars several celebrated names of Australian film, including Stephen Curry. Co-writer, director and producer Nick Russell is an award-winning actor who has starred on […]

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Mar 23

Filmmaker 5 with Iggy London: Area Boy

Area Boy takes us to the confessional before attending church on Sunday in a timeless short film. We find ourselves stepping into the life of Eli, a young boy whose pain resonates globally with his excruciating struggle with who he is in his world, who he wants to be and what consequences may come with […]

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Feb 11

Filmmaker 5 with Elham Esas: Yellow

Director, writer and actor Elham Ehsas brings his 2023 short movie Yellow, in which he plays a young man working in a Talab Chadari shop in Kabul. A young woman enters the shop, Laili played by Afsaneh Dehrouyeh, determined on buying the government mandate hajib in burqa style, completely covering the face. It’s blue, and […]

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