SCREENING UPDATE Jane Austen’s Period Drama is part of the Rom-Com block at the 20th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival. See the HollyShorts schedule for details. England, 1813. In the middle of a long-awaited marriage proposal, Miss Estrogenia Talbot gets her period. Her suitor, the dashing Mr. Dickley, mistakes the blood for an injury, and it soon becomes clear […]
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Filmmaker 5 with Sarah Carter: In Her Name
After decades apart, family bankruptcy reunites estranged and vastly different sisters facing their egomaniacal artist father’s terminal prognosis. Fiona lives the life of a conservative midwestern housewife as the direct product of her upbringing with their born-again Christian mother who reinvented herself after leaving her philandering artist husband. Freya, a talented artist in her own […]
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Filmmaker 5 with Kasey Elise Walker: Hoop Dreams
Fifth-grader Savannah fears speaking in front of the class at school. Witnessing her mother’s strength, she steals her mother’s gold hoop earrings to wear on the day of her speech, believing in the magic of the hoops. Donning the hoops, Savannah transforms into a world of imagination, only to be brought back down to earth […]
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Filmmaker 5 with Becky Hutner: Fashion Reimagined
American fashion designer Anne Klein famously said, “Clothes won’t change the world, the women who wear them will.” Flash forward almost 50 years, and fashion designer Amy Powney of cult label Mother of Pearl is doing just that. Raised off-the-grid in rural England by environmentalist parents, Amy always felt conflicted about the environmental impact of […]
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Filmmaker 5 with Jesse Short Bull and Laura Tomaselli: Lakota Nation vs. United States
The land known as the Black Hills is the birthplace of the Očéti Šakówiŋ First Nations people–the Lakota and Dakota of the Great Sioux Nation. From the beginnings of the colonization of North America, the sacred land has been the site of conflict. The documentary film Lakota Nation vs. United States is a testament to […]
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